Interfacing AnovaBase.jl
Given model types SomeModel
and OtherModel
, the following functions have to be defined or used.
can be overloaded in the following arguments signature.
anova(::SomeModel; test, type, kwargs...)
anova(::GoodnessOfFit, ::SomeModel; type, kwargs...)
anova(::Vararg{SomeModel}; test, kwargs...)
anova(::GoodnessOfFit, ::Vararg{SomeModel}; kwargs...)
Other arguments signatures are acceptable, but there will be Type piracy
Models should be wrapped in the following types before storing in the returned AnovaResult
Model | Wrapper |
Single model | FullModel |
Nested models | NestedModels |
Nested models with different types | MixedAovModels |
It is recommended that anova
additionally dispatched on wrapper types and the main algorithm is implemented in it.
This function returns a tuple of terms which can be used in ANOVA (some terms may not be used because of ANOVA type or model itself).
There is a default method for RegressionModel
, i.e., formula(model).rhs.terms
. If the formula for SomeModel
has special structure like MixedModel
, this function should be overloaded.
Wrap nested models in the following way
NestedModels{SomeModel}((model1, model2, ...))
NestedModels{SomeModel}(model1, model2, ...)
This is for comparing models with different types.
MixedAovModels{Union{SomeModel, OtherModel}}((model1, model2, ...))
MixedAovModels{Union{SomeModel, OtherModel}}(model1, model2, ...)
Both NestedModels
and MixedAovModels
do not check if the order is correct, so user should be careful to put simpler models former and more complex models later. ANOVA can be computed along with some basic statistics. See ftest_nested
and lrt_nested
wraps the model along with the index of predictors(pred_id
) that is actually used in ANOVA and ANOVA type.
provides a method which automatically determines pred_id
based on ANOVA type, whether empty model is allowed, and whether intercept is tested. See FullModel
To customize FullModel
, there are many helper functions for manipulating terms. See Developer utility
This function returns a AnovaTable
for showing AnovaResult
. For NestedModels
and MixedAovModels
, AnovaBase
provides a default interface. When dealing with FullModel
or customizing methods on SomeModel
, the following methods should be defined.
anovatable(::AnovaResult{<: FullModel{SomeModel}}; rownames)
anovatable(::AnovaResult{<: NestedModels{SomeModel}}; rownames)
anovatable(::AnovaResult{<: MixedAovModels{SomeModel}}; rownames)
See AnovaTable
for the argument signature.
This function is not essential for ANOVA; it is just for convenience to create nested models(NestedModels
). It should be defined as follow
nestedmodels(SomeModel, ::FormulaTerm, data; kwargs)
nestedmodels(::SomeModel; kwargs)
provides a lot of functions to work on formula, terms and contrasts. See Developer utility
Other function
to all models by default. Ifdof_residual(::SomeModel)
is not valid for ANOVA, customizedof_residual(::AnovaResult{<: AnovaModel{SomeModel}})